The Light Beneath the Stars

Writer's Note

Hello, hello, hello... Welcome... It's Pumpkin here! If, by some bizzare chance you've read my last "book" prior to this, maybe you have expectations for the kind of mood or vibe this one's going for... I actually hadn't planned on making another mystery/horror story, but once I started coming up with these ideas, they all started to click with me, and I couldn't stop writing. I with this, you can't put it down. I think that's my goal. To make something people will enjoy. I'm not very good at this writing thing. I've tried, it's taken a really long time to finish, mostly by my own accord, laziness, etc. But still, I hope you enjoy the read. Let's begin. If you'd like to dive in, that is.

Twelve-year-old Lumière lives surrounded by lush green forests and the wonders of nature. During the day, an average twelve-year-old's life unfolds, family time (or lack thereof), exploring the woods, self-taught artistry, going to school and spending time with her acquaintance. However, there is something she desires more than anything. The will to keep going, the feeling of belonging amongst others. Oh dear, oh me, oh my...

Coincidentally, one night, an entrancing and curious creature--named Sombre, opens her eyes to a world of endless possibilities and eternal satisfaction. Everything she wanted, right at her fingertips. All she has to do is close her eyes forever. Will the key to the lock be found within her dreams?

The Star Gazer Child